医師から『花粉症の女王』と称された私が、 快適に過ごせるようになったトドマツ精油

I was once called the "Queen of Hay Fever" by my doctor, but now I can live comfortably thanks to fir essential oil.

Miyuki Ouchi, who runs a soba noodle restaurant in Niseko, Hokkaido, suffers from severe hay fever all year round.

I have suffered from severe hay fever for the past 50 years and react to any type of pollen.

The oral and aerosol medications provided by the hospital are not very effective, perhaps because the patient has developed a resistance to them.

Miyuki's dream is to spend her days comfortably without being bothered by hay fever .

This wish came true with Hikobayu aroma spray.

He heard that Hikobayu's Todomatsu essential oil spray, manufactured in Niseko, Hokkaido, was effective in preventing hay fever, so he tried it and found that it completely curbed his symptoms. He says that he has a lot of hay fever in his family and that it has helped him a lot.

Why is Hikobayu's Todomatsu essential oil effective against hay fever?

Pollen combines with nitrogen dioxide (NOx), which is inevitably contained in the air, making pollen allergens 10,000 times more aggressive. 10,000 times is amazing, isn't it?

It has been discovered that essential oil from Abies sachalinensis, which is collected from Abies sachalinensis trees found only in Hokkaido, has the ability to instantly remove NOx more effectively than any other essential oil in the world.

After removing NOx, pollen allergens are weakened by 10,000 times, which alleviates the symptoms of hay fever. It is effective when attached to a mask even when you are out and about.

The above was revealed by research conducted at Saitama University.
It was previously featured on Nippon Television's Sukkiri and is now spreading.

Easy to use
1. Spray the outside of the mask.
2. When the effect weakens, apply it again. Repeat. That's it.

Miyuki will feel the effects for about three or four hours and will be able to feel comfortable.

Miyuki, who doesn't like strong scents, says that although she has a nice, refreshing scent immediately after spraying, she also likes that because it is made only from natural ingredients, the scent disappears in a good way.

If you suffer from severe hay fever, we recommend you try Hikobayu's Todomatsu essential oil and enjoy a comfortable life that makes you feel like you are in the forest.

Click here for "Room & Fabric Spray" that can be sprayed on masks

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