【MEDIA】OnTrip JAL にてメディア掲載

[MEDIA] Featured on OnTrip JAL

Today, On...

[MEDIA] Featured on OnTrip JAL

Today, OnTrip JAL - a tourist guide proposed by JAL - featured our company's ef...

[MEDIA] Our products were introduced on STV Rad...

On the STV Radio program "Gokigen Youji" broadcast on Saturday, January 15, 2022, ...

【MEDIA】VOGUEJapan -Beauty-掲載のお知らせ

[MEDIA] Notice of appearance in VOGUE Japan -Be...

Wow, what a surprise! I ha...

[MEDIA] Notice of appearance in VOGUE Japan -Be...

Wow, what a surprise! I had always dreamed of being featured in Vogue one day, and Hikobayu's Po...

[MEDIA] Good news for hay fever sufferers! Fir ...

Data shows that roughly half of people in Tokyo suffer from hay fever. Researc...